Brown & Sharpe Machines and Swiss CNC Parts

What would become Brown & Sharpe started as a company in 1833, and was incorporated as Brown & Sharpe in 1868. This makes them one of the oldest and well-respected CNC machine companies in the industry. In fact, many of the current industry standards are based on the ones developed by Brown & Sharpe engineers.
Brown & Sharpe machines are typically single spindle automatics, designed to use special cams and form tools. These are versatile machines and can perform a number of different operations, such as boring, knurling, reaming, drilling, and more. There are a number of compatible attachments and tools for Brown & Sharpe equipment with many available on the used market due to their age and longevity. Brown & Sharpe machines are known for being durable and reliable.
Brown & Sharpe machines work best when producing low complexity and/or quick-turned parts. They can handle hex, round, or square bar stock. Despite not being suited for complex parts, they can be combined with Swiss CNC Screw Machines to create the custom parts clients need fitting their requirements. Each machine can be outfitted with multiple tools for different functions, such as forming, tapping, broaching, and threading. These additional functions allow for lower costs and increased efficiency while cutting down on labor and production time. Having options through the use of multiple types of machines helps in selecting the proper equipment for every job.
Hi-Standard is proud to use both Brown & Sharpe and Swiss CNC machines to expertly produce custom parts in the required quantities clients need in a timely fashion. If you’re interested in seeing some examples of our work, please review our list of sample products.